red heart on white background

 One way to measure relationship issues is to take a look at the highs and lows. You can do this in every area of your life – friends, girlfriends, business associates, food, activities… everything.

There are a lot of different opinions on what a “healthy relationship” is, or when to end a relationship. A big red flag that you are not in a healthy relationship is if the “lows” are lower than the “highs” are high.

If this is the case, it may be time to get out! Otherwise, the lows keep getting lower, and you never quite hit those same highs, and eventually, that relationship will just eat you and your happiness and all of your potential right up.

Before you jump ship, here are some things that may turn things around:

1) Pay more attention to the highs and lows, so that you can notice triggers and take preemptive action before the fluctuation in the relationship is so extreme that it spirals out of control.

2) You can change you state by changing what you focus on. Visualize your situation getting better. You can use the Ho’oponopono prayer:

I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you

3) You can inform the person nicely that things are not going well, and you may want to use an intermediary person to assist you in communicating what is happening in the relationship.

4) Be honest with the person with whom you are having the challenges. If it is no longer working, they may also already have felt similar feelings of loss, and may be ready to leave or end the relationship as well. Don’t be surprised.

5) Use a mentor or higher confidant, who is immune to these kind of situations, and can thereby coach you, or role model for you, to be above this kind of petty and often destructive behavior.


by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

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