You Get What You Focus On

man in suit standing on world holding telescope with compass, arrows, and map in backgroundWith so much going on in the world, it is good to remember that you get whatever you focus on. These are just a few of the topics that getting newsworthy by various organizations:

1)  genetically modified foods

2)  subluxation

3)  breast cancer

4)  the USA debt challenge

5)  the status of the stock market

6)  the status of gold and manipulation of the Comex in the silver market

7)  ongoing government scandals

8)  colon and prostrate cancer

9)  PETA

10) the collapse of the US Dollar

11) loosing weight.

12) getting a ripped body.

13) finding a soul mate

14) war on terror

15) abolishing the Fed

16) how to make money on the Internet

17) the government sequester

18) the major league play offs

19) PTSD and TBI

20) the second coming of Christ

How does one handle all of the various streams of information that we are bombarded with daily? Do you want to ignore everything and become like an ostrich with its head in the sand? Are you at the other extreme, becoming a jack of all trades and hence a master of none? Are you able to maintain a healthy balance between these two extremes? Or do you live for today not being concerned about anything that is going on in our world?

The Best Thing to Focus On is Your Passion!

Your Passion should be one item and only one item. Why? To be a master at one thing, then you must remain true to what ever gets you going in the morning! If you chose  wisely, you will be so much better off, even if things go south other areas. Why? You will have become a leader in the area you passionate about, and that will hold you through the rough times.

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