Fantastic Frank JohnsonEveryone knows what happened on 9/11/01. It was a sobering moment in the American psyche. To me it came as a shock, and to overcome the helplessness I felt, I watched the movie Independence Day for at least 2 days straight, playing it continuously on my TV screen.

Why turn to a fictional movie when real life events were unfolding before my eyes? What was being broadcasted on the news was so surreal to me, so devastating, that I didn’t know how to assimilate it, and it actually seemed as unlikely as an alien invasion, and yet it was happening.

When the twin towers were struck, I thought that it was going to be the end of America, and the end of the life I had grown up to love. Everything was too raw in the moment to make sense of, or to be inspired by. Watching the movie Independence Day helped me overcome fear because, despite the horror of the moment, it depicted the essence of humankind’s resilience, determination, and creativity in overcoming great setbacks when faced with an ultimate disaster that threatens our very existence.

Today, it is the real life heroes of 9/11 that I turn to for inspiration.  First responders and ordinary citizens made the ultimate sacrifice and willingly gave their lives to save others. While most ran away from the disaster, they ran into it, with only one thing driving them – the desire to rescue others, no matter what the cost.

So, what do you want 9/11 to represent to you? Is there a way to transform this tragedy into triumph? That’s exactly what the 9/11 Day Organization is intending to do, by encouraging people to do a good deed today, on September 11, and share their story at

What’s your good deed?

PS – Need an inspirational speaker who can help you find the Hero in You? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available