How to Say Goodbye to Holiday Buyer’s Remorse and Enjoy the Highest Value of Every Investment
Have you ever invested in something, with money, time, or emotion…that didn’t work out the way you had hoped? Did you regret having made the investment, as a type of “Buyer’s Remorse”? Well, I have found a way to always enjoy the highest value of every investment!
This tip is especially useful during the holiday season, when there are often significant investments made involving relationship, family, money, time, etc. It relates to something I talk about in my book “From Flawed to Fantastic,” and has to do with the mindset involved in turning a “curse” into a “blessing.”
Have you ever noticed that the perceived value of something changes over time? Let’s say, for example, you buy the latest and greatest gadget, and happily paid top dollar. Then when it’s quickly made obsolete by a newer model, you’re not feeling so happy about the money you spent.
Here’s how my tip works: When “Buyer’s Remorse” creeps in, intentionally shift your focus to the moment in time when your perceived value was the highest. Whenever you think of that something, just go back to the moment of emotional high. It’s like looking at a rotten apple, and remembering what a fresh, crisp, juicy apple tastes like.
So, let’s say you “invested” in an expensive romantic dinner, had a wonderful time, but then 2 weeks later the relationship was off. Most people probably fall into the trap of resentment at paying for the dinner, because the perceived value of the dinner went down. Let’s change that around. When you find yourself spiraling down into anger, bring yourself back to that moment of the dinner itself, and feel the blessing to have had that time of connection and enjoyment.
What’s the point? Well, did you know that resentment and regret have negative health effects, where as happier people tend to also be healthier? What you focus on, you maximize, so by picking out the highest point of value and satisfaction, you magnify value and satisfaction in your life!
Now, perhaps you feel that the examples I have given are too superficial. Well, 36 years ago, precisely during the holiday season, is when my “investment” into a restaurant business resulted in my getting trapped in a fire, and incurring a traumatic brain injury for the rest of my life. Using this special tip of focusing on the highest value, I have come to understand all of what happened as the highest blessing, because it led me to my soul purpose of inspiring others.
To purchase “From Flawed to Fantastic” stocking stuffers, CLICK HERE
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