Posts tagged BIANYS

Are You Ready to Be a ‘Silent Angel’ ?

Fantastic Frank with Angela Leigh Tucker

Fantastic Frank with Angela Leigh Tucker

A friend of mine, Angela Leigh Tucker, was recently awarded the “Silent Angel Award” by the Brain Injury Association of NY State (BIANYS). You can find her story, along with mine, in The Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury.

The Silent Angel award “Recognizes those who make it possible for others to be in the forefront of the association’s activities.”

I just love this concept of a “silent angel” and came to find, from searching the internet, that there are many, many “silent angels” out there. I found groups related to animal rescue, real estate, Rett syndrom, etc… the point is that, there is help.

A great quote from one of them is: “So why are we silent? Because doing the right thing is all that really matters.”

This got me thinking of all the ways that each and every person can be a silent angel to someone else. Don’t be daunted – it doesn’t have to involve raising millions of dollars to charities….. How about a smile?

What is it that you can do to uplift another person?

No matter what your own circumstance, there is something you can do/share/be. Take my friend Angela Leigh Tucker – she incurred a traumatic brain injury in a car accident that killed her husband. And she found a way to make a difference. Sometimes when we lift others up, it uplifts our own spirits as well.

Give it a try.

Researching The Proper Knowledge Can Save Your Life

Fantastic Frank JohnsonThe Brain Injury Association of NY State (BIANYS) recently had its Annual Conference, at which I had the opportunity to talk to an audience of about 200 people. Something rather eye-opening was that about half the audience was not aware of the resources I was telling them about!

This really shouldn’t surprise me, because I encounter it all the time, perhaps even more outside the “differently-abled” community. When someone is “differently-abled” they know on some level, to varying degrees of acceptance, that they need help.

How about you?

What keeps you up at night?

Is there something you need help with, and are afraid to admit it?

My life-saving advice to you, is to take the first step, by researching help on the internet. You will be amazed at the wealth of resources available for every kind of challenge. Once you see there are others that share your pain, it will become easier to make the next step, which is to reach out to someone and share your story.

Depending on your needs, many organizations and professionals provide confidential services in which you may remain anonymous. The key is to PRESUME THERE IS HELP, and look for it with the EXPECTATION that you WILL FIND IT.




Brain Injury Association of New York Annual Conference



Today I am heading out to the Annual Conference of the Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS). I go every year, and it is always a tremendous experience – inspirational and heartwarming.

If you have a brain injury, I highly recommend that you seek out such an organization in your state. Having a network of support from professional in the brain injury field, as well as friends with brain injury, is really crucial in keeping up a positive momentum and making significant improvement in your life.

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