Posts tagged overcome disability
Would You Endure What This Man Did, to Fulfill a Heart’s Desire?
Last night I asked my friend out to a movie that he desperately wanted to see. I had no idea how much pain he’d have to do endure to make it happen. He uses a motorized wheelchair – the bulky kind that doesn’t collapse, and can’t be put in the trun Most people, I suppose, would have just stayed home, and part of him was ready to give up. But, he wanted to see this movie so much, that we started brainstorming how to make it happen. He chose the only option that seemed feasible, which was to leave the wheelchair home, and use his walker. This sounded simple to me, until I witnessed the degree of pain he was in when using his walker. He had not used it in 3 months, and he had lost much of the strength required to walk with it. At first it looked like he was in discomfort, but by the time he finally made it to the seat in the movie theater, he looked like he was really suffering. Any further, and it would have been agony. I travel all across the county inspiring people to find the Hero In You, and last night, I was the one learning this lesson from my friend. We must all learn from one another, cherish our moments together, and love without judgment. Here’s to You, and Your Hero Within. by Fantastic Frank Johnson PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available |
Words Have Power Video
This is a 3 minute video I put together about using the Power of Words – Enjoy! |