When you start a new venture, assume you will be the “Greatest”, even the “World’s Greatest”. Don’t just say the words – feel it in your bones and know it is true. The bigger your vision, the bigger your actions become to meet the vision.

Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, headshotA great example of this is Stan Lee, co-creator of Marvel Comics including the Fantastic Four and Spider Man. With issue 4, The Fantastic Four became “The Greatest Comic Magazine in the World!!”.  On the cover of the previous issue, number 3, Stan changed the slogan on the banner to “The World’s Greatest Comic Magazine!”. This became a fixture on the issue covers into the 1990’s, and on numerous covers in the 2000’s.

The point is: He assumed it to be true before it was true, and it came true.

How about you? What do you assume about whatever you involved in – be it writing, speaking, parenting, running a business, performing, being an athlete, or anything else?

If you’ve just “never thought about it,” be aware that, unconsciously, you HAVE been assuming something – what is it? Take time to notice casual remarks you make to yourself and others, such as “Wow – I did a great job! I’m really good at this!!” Or the opposite: “I can’t get anything right. I’ll never be any good.”

Getting to the point where you can SAY “I am the Greatest” and BELIEVE it may take a while, but really this kind of shift can happen in an instant. By getting in touch with what you feel your mission in life is, and tapping into your passion, you become empowered to cut through limiting beliefs that hold you back.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available http://www.fantasticfrankjohnson.com/speaker/