Knowledge Is Power When You Take Action – VOTE!
“Without knowledge action is useless, and knowledge without action is futile.” – Abu Bakr The other day, I had a lengthy discussion about the upcoming US Presidential Election with a good friend, only to find out that he does not vote! Please – Get Out and VOTE! – with this caveat: be informed, and consider the source of your information! Even if you think the system is “rigged”, by not even showing up to vote, you are abdicating your democratic right – a right which is yours because other people in our nation’s history lost their lives earning it for you. In 2014 Afghans had the same voter turnout – 58% – as Americans did in 2012…The difference being that Afghan voters were plagued with suicide bombers and threats that their finger would be cut off. Is American complacency leading to the end of democracy? Don’t think your one tiny vote will make a difference in a country of about 219 million eligible voters? Just recall the 2000 election in which a mere 537 votes in Florida clinched the presidency for George Bush. And as I write this, the electoral college map is changing day by day as countdown fever ramps up. You can even color your own version of the electoral college map. In this particular election especially, many people feel that voting is like rolling the dice…. some people are even betting real money. I am not encouraging you to do so – just pointing it out as a sign of our times. by Fantastic Frank Johnson Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic” PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available inspirational speaker Fantastic Frank Johnson
Fantastic Frank Interviews Scott Gallmeyer About His Groundbreaking New Natural Treatment, the HOPE Formula
Could miraculous healing results in a dog lead to next breakthrough in TBI treatment? Scott Gallmeyer is a material scientist who created the HOPE formula to save the life of his beloved dog, Missy in 2012 – and succeeded! Made of all natural ingredients, the HOPE formula has had positive results treating dementia in Scott’s family members, and has the potential to treat TBI as well. To get the full scoop, listen to Scott Gallmeyer’s invterview on the Flawed to Fantastic Radio Show. Below are before/after videos of Missy! BEFORE: AFTER: by Fantastic Frank Johnson Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic” PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available inspirational speaker Fantastic Frank Johnson |
You Are Invited! Important Brain Injury Meeting in Rochester NY Aug 26, 2015
If you will be in Rochester NY on Wednesday August 26th, there is going to be a very special meeting of our local TBI (traumatic brain injury) support group. We are anticipating having close to 200 people attend, including local TV station (channels 8, 10, 31), and possibly a couple radio stations. There will senators, and possibly the mayor of Rochester. Brent Feuz, a disabled professional firefighter paramedic, will present a Guide for Mild/Moderate Brain Injury in NY State which was written by Brent Feuz (who has a TBI) along with other TBI survivors.
The presentation will include, among other things, a comprehensive discussion of the guide, to help people who suffer from a brain injury, the future of the guide, and a Q&A session to assist people with current problems related to brain injuries.
Brent Feuz has been on my Blog Talk Radio show, and on Tuesday Aug 25th at 10pm, he will be on another show with Less Paus that I may cohost, to discuss his upcoming appearance in Rochester. PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available |
This Time It Wasn’t a Dog and Pony Show!
Do you ever take something for heartburn or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux), such as Tums, Tagamet, Pepcid AC, Zantac, or Prilosec? Beware of presuming you are having heartburn, when in fact, you may be suffering a heart attack! This is what happened to me! Over the last 5 or 6 years I’ve been to the emergency room at least once a year for chest pains. After they do bloodwork, a stress test, and an EKG – they discharged me from the emergency room without any further hospitalization. This is what I call “A Dog and Pony Show”. The last time, it was different. The thing is, I assumed it was going to be the same drill, so when I experienced chest pains on a Friday night, I waited until Saturday morning to call a friend to take me to the emergency room. It was a very low level pain, and seemed to be identical to what I had before, except that it didn’t go away. Turns out, I did indeed have a slight blockage in a very small artery. My message to you is – don’t do what I did – take each and every incident of chest pain seriously, and get your butt to the emergency room! Fortunately for me, I was home within 4 days with no apparent damage to my heart, but who knows what the outcome would be in your case? Please, do not try to be your own doctor, and diagnose what’s happening with your body! You are too valuable, and too important to those whose lives you touch, to not take your life seriously! PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available
Enter this contest and get on TV!
Do you remember me telling you about Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad got me on local TV all across the country? All you have to do is enter the contest with “Fantastic Frank sent me” at the end of your comment. That’s it! I want you to have the same opportunity I had: With the segment proposal that Clint crafted for me,11 Celebrity Launchpad TV producers said “Yes” to me! You deserve the same chance! Enter, and put “Fantastic Frank in your comment. Go here: by Fantastic Frank Johnson PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available