closeup of Albert Einstein's face on vintage currency of IsrealThere is a fantastic Albert Einstein quote on compound interest that can be applied to our lives so that personal growth becomes exponential growth.

“Exponential growth” is when something explodes in size. This is what happens to the size of an investment (or debt) when interest is compounded over a number of years.

Albert Einstein said: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t, pays it.”

This axiom is a great fit for personal growth, in that taking a small step in the direction of moving your life forward will have big returns down the road. Likewise, taking a small step in a direction that degrades you can contribute to a downward spiral.

Here are some very worthwhile “investments” that will “compound” personal growth in the upward direction:


1)   Belief in your Goal.

2)   Passion and Commitment

3)   Surround oneself with the correct Resources

4)    Perseverance

5)   A big enough reason Why

6)    A Never Give Up Attitude

7)   Accountability

Add to this list to make it your own! As you go through your day, take your steps with the awareness that they will compound your future.