photo of ruby red slippers with quote "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto"Have you ever seen the movie the Wizard of Oz?

Of course you have!!

Today’s blog is about seeing behind the veil that hid the Wizard and exposed him for what he was: a con artist, trying to scare people into believing that he was a powerful Wizard when it all was done using “Smoke and Mirrors.”

We all do this on occasion, trying to appear to be smarter than the next person, or more with it or in tune with our souls than the next person. But that is just “Smoke and Mirrors” trying to protect us from letting other people know that we all have insecurities and don’t want to share them with the people who are in our lives or whom we meet.

Why would be do this?

It is because we are afraid to appear to be insecure to one another for fear of not being accepted or loved. This is such a habit that you may not even be aware that you are doing it, or what is motivating your actions

And my response to this is: Be More Authentic!


Start by opening up your heart and admitting your fear. This can be done privately, and written in a journal. The next step is to tell someone you trust. Once you do this, you will start becoming more authentic because there is less to hide.


by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available