Trapped in a Box of “Real” Problems?

Feeling trapped under the weight of just trying to keep up can make you feel trapped in a box of “real” problems. There could be slashed budgets, sparse resources, and a whole host of factors undermining your success. Sometimes it seems that everywhere you turn, there is another obstacle.

Getting out of the box is heroic work.

When problems are all you see, things can get pretty dark and depressing.  Being a hero may seem out of reach, when in fact this is a great time to embrace the hero in you. It is in the face of adversity that your real strengths are showcased.

It is heroic indeed to completely alter your perception, and break out of your “problem” box into an exciting stream of opportunities, full of possibility, growth, and light.

Opportunity is a Choice.

When you have a “problem” you only have one choice, which is the problem. Do not accept this. You deserve more. Face that problem head on, with all its warts, and shout “opportunity” at it. Make it a mantra, if you like – as you visualize the challenge, keep calling it an opportunity.

Hint: Suspend your limiting belief that there is no solution, and get psyched that you will triumph in the challenge!

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

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