Your Heroes
Find the hero in you, and you find the heroes in your life. Who are the heroes from your youth? Now that you’ve “grown up,” who are your heroes? How do you feel while remembering them? Inspired? Motivated? Uplifted?

How long did it take you to start feeling that way? – It was just in an instant, wasn’t it? The moment we remember our heroes, it is like flipping on a light switch, and we are inspired.

If you are part of a team, family, or group the lacks inspiration: Flip on the hero switch!

The hero in you

People are inspired by heroes, and everyone has a hero within them. When you embrace your own superhero qualities, you will start to see hero traits in those around you. The more you focus on this, the more you will see. Peoplw will be inspired by you, and you by them.

If you are not yet sure what your super power is, start by demonstrating these superhero “traits.” As you live them, more will be revealed.

Superhero Trait #1 – Showing Up

By reading this, you have already demonstrated one very important characteristic of a superhero – you showed up! Ever notice that superheroes have an uncanny ability to arrive in the nick of time to prevent disaster or save a person’s life? Many of the most magical moments in life are possible simply because you are present.

Superhero Trait #2 – Be Fully Engaged

Now that you’ve shown up, the next superhero trait to demonstrate is to be fully engaged in life, in every moment. After all, Super Man wouldn’t show up, and then fail to catch Lois Lane as she is plummeting from a tall building!

By fully participating in life, in everything you do, you magnify the possibilities to help other.

Stay alert and open to newly emerging super powers, so that you can notice what resonates with you as you embark on your hero’s journey. It is different for each person.

Superhero Trait #3 – Harness Your Unique Power

As you get in touch with your unique power, you are obliged to harness that power to help others. You impact people’s quality of life and work every single day.

Service to mankind is a superhero trait of the highest order.

Pay it forward, and help the people in your life find the heroes within themselves. When this happens – you will have a totally different work experience than you are having right now.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available