Posts tagged inspiration for disabled
Video: A Fast Way to Create Another Life
Using a Life Inventory is a Fast Way to Create Another Life. Watch this short video to see how!
P.S. Book Fantastic Frank as a speaker for your |
Have Peace in Your Life with Abundance Gratitude and Love – Video
Please enjoy this short video on How to have Peace in Your Life through Abundance, Gratitude, and Love!
Fantastic Frank P.S. Book Fantastic Frank as a speaker for your |
Lows and Highs – When to End a Relationship
One way to measure relationship issues is to take a look at the highs and lows. You can do this in every area of your life – friends, girlfriends, business associates, food, activities… everything. There are a lot of different opinions on what a “healthy relationship” is, or when to end a relationship. A big red flag that you are not in a healthy relationship is if the “lows” are lower than the “highs” are high. If this is the case, it may be time to get out! Otherwise, the lows keep getting lower, and you never quite hit those same highs, and eventually, that relationship will just eat you and your happiness and all of your potential right up. Before you jump ship, here are some things that may turn things around: 1) Pay more attention to the highs and lows, so that you can notice triggers and take preemptive action before the fluctuation in the relationship is so extreme that it spirals out of control. 2) You can change you state by changing what you focus on. Visualize your situation getting better. You can use the Ho’oponopono prayer: I am sorry 3) You can inform the person nicely that things are not going well, and you may want to use an intermediary person to assist you in communicating what is happening in the relationship. 4) Be honest with the person with whom you are having the challenges. If it is no longer working, they may also already have felt similar feelings of loss, and may be ready to leave or end the relationship as well. Don’t be surprised. 5) Use a mentor or higher confidant, who is immune to these kind of situations, and can thereby coach you, or role model for you, to be above this kind of petty and often destructive behavior.
by Fantastic Frank Johnson PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available |
“Celebrity Launchpad” with Clint Arthur
Want to get on TV? Clint Arthur will put you there, guaranteed! Clint came highly recommended to me by a friend who went through Clint’s “Celebrity Launchpad” program and got 12 Local TV bookings at one event. Yesterday I had the pleasure of speaking with Clint on the phone, and he is the Real Deal! He is the ONLY one in the business that gives a Money-Back-Guarantee that you will get booked on at least 2 Local TV segments. Not only will he give your money back – he will pay you an additional $500! I’m going for it! I’ll be at Clin’t Arthur’s Celebrity Launch in just a few weeks, July 11 – 14! Soooo excited! And there’s so much more than the event itself – on Friday I start weekly one-on-one coaching sessions with Clint, who will be training me on writing segment proposals that the media will accept. This is a skill I will have for life! Plus, two webinars a week before and after the event. If you want to get on TV, CLICK HERE to find out more about Celebrity Launchpad! Fantastic Frank Trapped in a Fire Carried Out in a Body Bag Motivated to Inspire Millions P.S. Book Fantastic Frank as a speaker for your event, radio, or TV segment by emailing or calling (585)625-1820 |
Words Have Power Video
This is a 3 minute video I put together about using the Power of Words – Enjoy! |
Exponential Personal Growth and Albert Einstein
“Exponential growth” is when something explodes in size. This is what happens to the size of an investment (or debt) when interest is compounded over a number of years. Albert Einstein said: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t, pays it.” This axiom is a great fit for personal growth, in that taking a small step in the direction of moving your life forward will have big returns down the road. Likewise, taking a small step in a direction that degrades you can contribute to a downward spiral. Here are some very worthwhile “investments” that will “compound” personal growth in the upward direction:
1) Belief in your Goal. 2) Passion and Commitment 3) Surround oneself with the correct Resources 4) Perseverance 5) A big enough reason Why 6) A Never Give Up Attitude 7) Accountability Add to this list to make it your own! As you go through your day, take your steps with the awareness that they will compound your future. |
“From Flawed to Fantastic” now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
Failure Leads to Success
It is good to regularly take stock of where you are in meeting your goals, which represent your idea of success. In doing so, you may look back over the last 5 years or so. You may inadvertently look at the length of time it has taken you to get to the point you are at, together with the resources of time, money, and energy which you have invested. You may feel disheartened, or even depressed, by a lack of more instantaneous progress. If this describes you – remember the phrase “10 Year Overnight Success.” There are countless stories of people whose apparent “overnight success” was founded on 10 years of extraordinary hard work. Once at the top, the pass on these pearls of wisdom: “Failure Leads to Success.” Here are some quotes, to inspire you when you need a boost: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” – Sven Goran Eriksson “Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, insasmuch as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid.” – John Keats
Brain Injury Association of New York Annual Conference
Today I am heading out to the Annual Conference of the Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS). I go every year, and it is always a tremendous experience – inspirational and heartwarming. If you have a brain injury, I highly recommend that you seek out such an organization in your state. Having a network of support from professional in the brain injury field, as well as friends with brain injury, is really crucial in keeping up a positive momentum and making significant improvement in your life. |
One Planet One Place to interview Fantastic Frank Johnson
Yesterday I had a conversation with an amazing man, Simon Jordan, of the One Planet One Place TV and Radio Shows. His is a truly inspiring story – from alcohol, drugs, weighing 322 lbs, and despair at age 28, to now hosting TV and Radio shows which motivate, inspire, and give hope with 25 million social media followers. To read more about Simon click here. Simon will be interviewing me in the fall, at which point I’ll send out details on how to see the show. The audio will also be on podcast. Also, Simon is doing me the honor of being interviewed by me on my BlogTalkRadio show! Show date to be announced.