Posts tagged inspiration for disabled

From a Liability to a Talent to a Superhero Power

Something you consider to be your liability may actually be a unique talent to be developed into a super power!

How about you? What’s holding you back? What do consider to be your liabilities? Now is the time to flip the hero switch, and turn them into assets.

These hidden talents get discovered through adversities, which are tests; and life is full of them! Even positive events, such as falling in love, buying a house, getting promoted, or taking on a leadership role, can be an ordeal.

In the midst of an ordeal, hidden talents rise to the occasion by necessity. You do things you’ve never done before; that you didn’t even think that you could do. It may not look like a big deal to someone else looking on, but inside, you know you’ve been through a life-altering change.

If you’ve heard me speak, you’d know why I thought my voice was a liability. When I was rescued from the fire, the emergency tracheotomy which saved my life also destroyed my voice. Even after years of speech therapy, just speaking clearly is a challenge. For years I avoided conversation by living a rather isolated life. I was afraid that people would think I am stupid when they listen to my voice. I felt it was a liability, and not an asset.

Today, it is hard to shut me up! My voice inspires others when I speak on stage, as a radio host, or on TV. I discovered that there is much more to a “voice” than what it sounds like. “Voice” is a message, a connection, and heart.

According to Statistic Brain,  74% of people have a fear of public speaking, and this certainly included me!

When people with this fear see and hear do public speaking, they are inspired. They think “If Fantastic Frank can get up there with a traumatic brain injury and damaged voice – so can I !”

Time, dedication, inner strength, and passion can develop your talent to a level of proficient skill and expertise. For it to be a superhero power, it must be used selflessly to help others.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Have your Hero seeds already been planted?

If you are doubting that you will ever have something hero-related in your life – consider the possibility that the seeds have already been planted.  A foreshadowing of what is to come may have already happened, but you didn’t see it that way. Sometimes past events need time to germinate, to grow, and to blossom.

For me, a foreshadowing of becoming “Fantastic Frank” happened when I was working for Eastman Kodak Co. This was about 6 or 7 years before I was trapped in a fire, when I wrote the lyrics to a song, for a project to raise funds for the United Way in Rochester, NY.

The song I wrote is called “Today’s Not Gonna Be Like Yesterday.” To get ideas for the lyrics, I visited a facility for people with disabilities. At that point in my life, I hadn’t had any contact with people with disabilities

Now that I have a traumatic brain injury, I am moved to tears when I recall some of the words that I had written many years ago, because I feel they were a foreshadowing of the event that was going to happen to me.

The song begins with these words:

Today’s not gonna to be like yesterday
When I was upset with the world’s own selfish way.
I was too blind to see
The selfish one was me.

And I met the girl with the sunshine eyes,
Who smiled so peacefully.
When she turned to speak, I realized that she couldn’t speak clearly.

Little was I to know that about 6 years later, I would be the one who could no longer speak clearly.

The other words that really get me are:

“Today’s not going to be like yesterday,
When I was indifferent to the way people treat nature’s harsh realities.
And one of those people was me.”

Remember, when you point your finger at someone, three fingers point back at yourself.

I suggest that you revise your life, while on the look-out for moments that really struck a chord with you. Then compare that event to what you are doing now, and what you’ve become passionate about. How do they relate? What is the foreshadowing in your own life?

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Hero Foreshadowing in Your Childhood Inspiration!

You have probably not “planned” to be a superhero.

In my logo, I am wearing my signature “Fantastic Frank” suit. The costume was “planned”, but being “Fantastic Frank” certainly was not! By the same token, being Fantastic Frank was foreshadowed in my youth.

When you look back, your superhero nature may already have been foreshadowed in what captivated and inspired you as a child.

As I share with you my own Hero’s journey, connect the dots to your own life, and uncover the hero within you.

I became fascinated with super heroes when I was a little boy, and my father bought me my first comic book. It was a Super Man comic. The golden age of comics unfolded before I was born, and I slowly became aware that there were hundreds, maybe thousands of different characters that had been created over the past 20-25 years or so prior to me getting my first comic book. Because of when I was born, I fall more into the silver age of comic books, which is when the Fantastic Four, Spider man, and the other Marvel superheroes, which we are all familiar with, were created.

Even as a child, what impressed me the most was that ordinary people were transformed into super heroes, through seemingly random, unexpected events. I didn’t classify the events as “traumatic” until I had my own traumatic event much later.

I faithfully got every new hero comic that came out each month. They captivated me. They inspired me. They gave me hope that one day I could become a super hero and help other people. This was the first “foreshadowing” of my becoming Fantastic Frank.

How about you? What captivated and inspired you as a child? Is there something about your life now that parallels that love? Do you still live based on inspiration, or has that been stomped out? What makes your heart soar the highest? These questions are a good start to unravel your superhero identity. Start here, and inquire further.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Turn a Traumatic Event into a Super Power

The Classic Hero Storyline.

In the classic storyline, heroes are created during traumatic events. My life matches this storyline, but your personal hero creation may take a different route.

Super Heroes such as Superman, the Flash, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and Captain America were all endowed with Super Powers when something traumatic happened to them.

Superman was ripped from his home planet of Krypton and sent to earth in a spaceship.
The Flash was struck by lightning in his laboratory and got dowsed with chemicals.
Spider-Man was bitten by a radioactive spider.
The Fantastic Four were in outer space when they were bombarded by cosmic radiation.
Captain America was injected with a super serum.

The Fantastic Frank storyline

My traumatic event was being trapped in a fire and carried out in a body bag over 30 years ago. As a result, I got a traumatic brain injury, which I overcome every day. There were times that having a traumatic brain injury felt like a “problem” – even a curse.

In “AH HA Moment”, I realized that, the life-changing trauma, of getting a TBI and losing the “life” I had known, gave me the “power” to deeply touch and inspire others as a motivational speaker. My “curse” has become my “blessing.”

Although not as flashy as the heroes of my youth, with this “power” of inspiring others, I have been granted my childhood wish of growing up and becoming a super hero.

Your Personal Hero Storyline

The fact that you are here right now, reading this message, means that your mission or your purpose on Earth has not yet been fulfilled, because you are still here.Whatever your story is, whatever challenges you have to overcome, there is something unique to you; something wonderful and powerful. I know this because this is true of everyone. It just needs to be recognized and tapped into.

Celebrate life by acknowledging the super and heroic things you have been empowered to do. Give thanks for your “powers”, and use them for good. Share your Super Hero story with someone; your spouse, kids, friends… If you say you have no one, share it with me!

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Opportunity is a Choice

Trapped in a Box of “Real” Problems?

Feeling trapped under the weight of just trying to keep up can make you feel trapped in a box of “real” problems. There could be slashed budgets, sparse resources, and a whole host of factors undermining your success. Sometimes it seems that everywhere you turn, there is another obstacle.

Getting out of the box is heroic work.

When problems are all you see, things can get pretty dark and depressing.  Being a hero may seem out of reach, when in fact this is a great time to embrace the hero in you. It is in the face of adversity that your real strengths are showcased.

It is heroic indeed to completely alter your perception, and break out of your “problem” box into an exciting stream of opportunities, full of possibility, growth, and light.

Opportunity is a Choice.

When you have a “problem” you only have one choice, which is the problem. Do not accept this. You deserve more. Face that problem head on, with all its warts, and shout “opportunity” at it. Make it a mantra, if you like – as you visualize the challenge, keep calling it an opportunity.

Hint: Suspend your limiting belief that there is no solution, and get psyched that you will triumph in the challenge!

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Flip on the Hero Switch!

Your Heroes
Find the hero in you, and you find the heroes in your life. Who are the heroes from your youth? Now that you’ve “grown up,” who are your heroes? How do you feel while remembering them? Inspired? Motivated? Uplifted?

How long did it take you to start feeling that way? – It was just in an instant, wasn’t it? The moment we remember our heroes, it is like flipping on a light switch, and we are inspired.

If you are part of a team, family, or group the lacks inspiration: Flip on the hero switch!

The hero in you

People are inspired by heroes, and everyone has a hero within them. When you embrace your own superhero qualities, you will start to see hero traits in those around you. The more you focus on this, the more you will see. Peoplw will be inspired by you, and you by them.

If you are not yet sure what your super power is, start by demonstrating these superhero “traits.” As you live them, more will be revealed.

Superhero Trait #1 – Showing Up

By reading this, you have already demonstrated one very important characteristic of a superhero – you showed up! Ever notice that superheroes have an uncanny ability to arrive in the nick of time to prevent disaster or save a person’s life? Many of the most magical moments in life are possible simply because you are present.

Superhero Trait #2 – Be Fully Engaged

Now that you’ve shown up, the next superhero trait to demonstrate is to be fully engaged in life, in every moment. After all, Super Man wouldn’t show up, and then fail to catch Lois Lane as she is plummeting from a tall building!

By fully participating in life, in everything you do, you magnify the possibilities to help other.

Stay alert and open to newly emerging super powers, so that you can notice what resonates with you as you embark on your hero’s journey. It is different for each person.

Superhero Trait #3 – Harness Your Unique Power

As you get in touch with your unique power, you are obliged to harness that power to help others. You impact people’s quality of life and work every single day.

Service to mankind is a superhero trait of the highest order.

Pay it forward, and help the people in your life find the heroes within themselves. When this happens – you will have a totally different work experience than you are having right now.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

How do you “show up” in life?

Positive Thinking word collageHow do you “show up” in life?

What I’ve noticed about myself and my friends, is that The Way You Do Anything Is The Way You Do Everything!

When you are in touch with your passion, you become full to overflowing with a kind an exuberance that affects everything in your life. It uplifts others as well. When you are in that kind of state, you feel ALIVE! Everyone knows what this feels like, but few live in that space on a regular basis.

Start making a conscious effort to notice your emotional state through the day, and what moods characterize you the most. For example, when you are at some sort of gathering, be it a work meeting, a social group, a class, etc….

Do you tend to daydream and get sleepy / uninterested? Or do you participate with a lot of energy? Do you tend to be late, on-time, or early? Do you interact with others and get to know them, or stay quiet and isolated in the midst of people?

We all have different personalities. We are all unique. Whatever our characteristics are, we tend to bring that same characteristic into everything we do.

There isn’t a “right” or a “wrong” way to be. However, if what you do is causing you some kind of suffering, such as loneliness, isolation, or conflicts, then notice what you are doing. See that it affects everything in your life, and make some adjustments as needed.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Assume It Is True

When you start a new venture, assume you will be the “Greatest”, even the “World’s Greatest”. Don’t just say the words – feel it in your bones and know it is true. The bigger your vision, the bigger your actions become to meet the vision.

Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, headshotA great example of this is Stan Lee, co-creator of Marvel Comics including the Fantastic Four and Spider Man. With issue 4, The Fantastic Four became “The Greatest Comic Magazine in the World!!”.  On the cover of the previous issue, number 3, Stan changed the slogan on the banner to “The World’s Greatest Comic Magazine!”. This became a fixture on the issue covers into the 1990’s, and on numerous covers in the 2000’s.

The point is: He assumed it to be true before it was true, and it came true.

How about you? What do you assume about whatever you involved in – be it writing, speaking, parenting, running a business, performing, being an athlete, or anything else?

If you’ve just “never thought about it,” be aware that, unconsciously, you HAVE been assuming something – what is it? Take time to notice casual remarks you make to yourself and others, such as “Wow – I did a great job! I’m really good at this!!” Or the opposite: “I can’t get anything right. I’ll never be any good.”

Getting to the point where you can SAY “I am the Greatest” and BELIEVE it may take a while, but really this kind of shift can happen in an instant. By getting in touch with what you feel your mission in life is, and tapping into your passion, you become empowered to cut through limiting beliefs that hold you back.

by Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

PS – Do you need an Inspirational Speaker? Check out my site and get in touch to see if I have your dates available

Not Urgent But Important


President Dwight D. Eisenhower on 8 cent stamp


What have you been focusing on today?

How do you spend your time?

Former US President Eisenhower is quoted as saying

Why is this concept so important?

Because unless you spend your life focusing on things that are NOT URGENT but IMPORTANT, your life is doomed to be one of mediocrity.


In the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” DR. Stephen Covey broke this concept into 4 zones in which people spend their time:

Zone 1 URGENT and IMPORTANT – such as a crisis
Zone 2 URGENT and NON IMPORTANT – such as interruptions
Zone 3 NOT URGENT but IMPORTANT – such as preparing a will
Zone 4 NOT URGENT and NOT IMPORTANT – such as searching the internet

According to Covey, most people tend to spend their time in ZONE 4 – Not Urgent and Not Important!  This is a set up for a MEDIOCRE life!

The most SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE spend the largest percentage of their time
in ZONE 3 – Not Urgent but Important!

I hope that this has inspired you to pick something you have been putting off from ZONE 3  and do it now.


Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

P.S. Book Fantastic Frank as a speaker for your event, radio, or TV segment by emailing or calling (585)625-1820

What do George Clooney, Della Reese, Gary Busey, Barbara Mandrell, Bob Woodward, and Fantastic Frank Johnson have in common?

George Clooney, Della Reese, Gary Busey, Barbara Mandrell, Bob Woodward, and Fantastic Frank Johnson have all had some form of a brain injury.

artistic rendering of a tree shaped like a human head with leaves missing and flying away from half of foreheadGeorge Clooney, was filming a torture scene for the movie “Syriana” in 2005, when the chair he was strapped to was accidentally kicked over. When he fell backwards, his head was hit so hard that brain fluid leaked out of his nose. He suffered short-term memory loss from the accident.

Della Reese, had a hemorrhagic stroke in the middle of singing Pieces of Dreams on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show in 1979. An aneurysm burst in her brain, bringing her to her kneed and then unconscious on stage.

Gary Busey, had a serious head injury in 1988 during a motorcycle accident. He was not wearing a helmet. A friend saved his life by pressing on a hole in his head until help arrived. After a critical operation that night, couldn’t talk, walk, or swallow.

Barbara Mandrell, suffered a head injury during a 1984 car accident in which her two children were told at the scene that she was dead. The 19 year old driver of the other car died. She wrote of her survival in her autobiography Get to the Heart: My Story.

Bob Woodward, suffered severe head injuries in 2006 from a roadside bomb, despite wearing a helmet. He was traveling with the Iraqi Army unit as a reporter.

Fantastic Frank Johnson suffered a traumatic brain injury when he was trapped in a fire.

My point is that any one.. that is ANY ONE can become a member of the largest group of minorities in the United States at any time, which is people with disabilities. It does not have to be a brain injury, I just chose these celebrities because I can identify with every one of them!


Fantastic Frank Johnson
Author of “From Flawed to Fantastic”

P.S. Book Fantastic Frank as a speaker for your event, radio, or TV segment by emailing or calling (585)625-1820


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